Bird Charts

The kind folks at E-bird furnished me with their Nova Scotia checklist data for 12 months ending May 31, 2014.  This comprises checklists from 306 birders enumerating 968,598 individuals from 337 species in 57 Families (counting generic taxonomies).  I leave to the reader to conclude whether patterns of time, space, and number are due to the birds or their watchers.  Hover your mouse over graphs for details.  The breakdown by month is:

And by county:

46% of species are represented by fewer than 100 individuals

Here is the distribution of families (as found in Clement's Checklists).  The 42 'Undetermined' species are mostly generic classisification like 'accipiter sp.', plus a few crosses.

Here is a video of the year's sightings (subject to improvement)........