I like a Sankey Diagram for intuitive understanding of cash flow. You could read all 199 pages of Estimates and Supplementary Detail and emerge with less of an overview of the province's finances than a few minutes with this diagram.
I can't find exact amounts for the total provincial income taxes paid by individuals in taxable individual ranges, so I used the averages found in this document, page 101.
Sources >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Expenses >>>> Departments >>>>>>>>> Types
Generally, 'grants' seem to be money that finds it's way back into the economy, There isn't a consistent definition in Estimates and Supplementary Detail, though it's always the departmental budget less salaries and overhead.
Does it all add up? The short answers is "yes". A tiny surplus ($29.430 million) is revealed when the magic of 'Adjustments' ($81.899 million) is applied on the revenue side.
Here are the expenses in pie chart form:
And in case you're looking for a job, here are average salaries by Department. This wasn't what I expected (I thought all the lawyers would make Justice first), but it's probably logical. Labour and Advanced Education (average $156,142) is more than twice Communities and Heritage ($71,733). I'm guessing that this reflects high salaries at Community Colleges.
Mouse over for details,